Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Day of Amanda Angelica Moral's Life Saving Surgery

Well, after several years of dreaming, here it is, the day of the surgery.  Amanda got through the surgery well, thanks to God, Dr. Grecko and his team.  I am just thankful and joyful.  What else can a mother be at this moment.   I will be keeping everyone posted. Thank you for your being on our journey with us.  It is why I am keeping our supporters up-to-date.  We are so grateful that you are standing with us for Amanda.  Please read a special message from Carmen Amoros Goldberg below!

Thank you!
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Amanda after the surgery.  She was out cold.

Me just patiently waiting, meditating, hoping and praying.

Finally I was in.  My little girl has no clue I am here.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

We are in Santo Domingo, DR! Thank you to All of the Fund Contributors!

We have arrived in Santo Domingo, DR, because the $15,000 that was needed to travel to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic was donated by private contributors.  Thank you!

Amanda is very excited!  She has her surgery tomorrow and after that we have an 8 day period of convalescence.  I ask all of you to please continue to pray for this surgery tomorrow.  Thank you to everyone who has been so responsive, has followed our journey, read the amazing Christmas Miracle Story on this blog and has answered the call to action in support of Amanda, especially those who continue to do so now.   This is the thing that Christmas movies are made of only this is the real thing.  A real Christmas Miracle that happened to two ordinary people. The Stand for Amanda Fund Team and I wish to thank all of you for your support!

At this time just last year, until the fall and beginning of December of 2015, Amanda's life saving surgery was something we could only wish and pray for, but because of so many of you, who believed in the gift of love, we are in Santo Domingo, DR today, thanks to you!  I wish to thank the amazing doctors and staff who are a part of this amazing miracle as well and the Stand for Amanda Team of angels who were sent from above to rally around us.  THANK YOU!  I cannot thank everyone enough.  It's surreal.  I need to be pinched.  The surgery is tomorrow and I will calm myself down, because the medics are going to be doing their job and the rest will be up to the Lord and no matter what happens, my heart and the heart of Amanda will continue to be filled with thanks for God's favor, because to have the love of so many wonderful people engulfing our lives, is indeed God's favor!  So, now, we wait and trust and just keep waiting and trusting on our Lord, who decides all things.  Everyone has done their best and God has shown us His GREAT favor and as in the Lord's prayer, I say to the Lord, "Let your will be done."

I wish I could write more at the moment, but there's so much going on, but please everyone know that your kindness and your benevolence have touched our hearts.

Thank you from both our hearts!

Virginia Moral
Stand for Amanda 

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[Continue reading Carmen Amoros Goldberg's message below]

Amanda Angelica Moral's "I LOVE YOU" for your kindness!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Seizures Have Stopped for Now! Thankful to the Father and to All Who Have Prayed!

Amanda continues to be seizure free right now. A few hours have passed and she has had no more seizures. Praise our heavenly Father. He holds us. Oh my Sweet God. Amanda is exhausted as you may imagine, but she is doing well. Thank you all for what each and everyone of you has done and for all of the prayers that you have prayed, and for standing in the gap for us. We love each and every one of you.  [Our journey to Santo Domingo, DR is underway, this Sunday, January 24, 2016 and made possible by you!]  Your love surrounded us. Thank you all.

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A message from Carmen Amoros Goldberg, Publisher of the Pen-Wheel Post.

A Long Night With Amanda's Seizures, but We are Almost There!

I want to take a few minutes and thank everyone for praying for Amanda though out this journey.
We are so close now so don't quit, don't get discouraged. Stay with Amanda and myself. Stay with us in this journey. Tonight will be a long night of very little sleep for me but Amanda is so worth every sacrifice.

Keep us in prayer and hold our arms up to the Lord Almighty. He is so faithful, He will never leave us nor forsake us. We are in good hands. Next Sunday we will be boarding the plane to head to the surgery. You will be with us in our hearts. I just want to say that Amanda is having a really rough time, but her faith in God is so strong. She loves you all and so do I. Keep us in prayer and a big humongous hug from both of us.  Thank you to all the Stand for Amanda Team and all who are making this journey possible.

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Monday, January 4, 2016

Press Kit and Biography of Virginia Moral

[Right Click on this image to download and print]
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The Christmas Miracle continues. As I stated in my previous articles, a group of people have anonymously paid for the balance of Amanda Angelica Moral's surgical procedure (Read About the Christmas Miracle).  However we are still racing against the clock to raise funds to fly Amanda to Santo Domingo, plus hospitalization and shuttle bus expenses to and from the hospital.  We now only need to raise $10,000. Please read directions carefully below for donating.

DONATE $1 or Whatever you Wish:

1.  Donate $1 through PROJECT BRIDGE on Facebook, which is matching $1 to each dollar that is donated. You must have DEBIT CARD, be 18 years or older and reside in the United States to donate through the PROJECT BRIDGE Website below.  First, go to the Amanda Angelica Moral Advertisement at this page. Then, send her a message and click on the circle with $) dollar symbol in it and donate:  https://www.facebook.com/1projectbridge/?fref=ts

2.  If you do not have a DEBIT CARD to donate the $1, but wish to donate using a VISA or MC CREDIT CARD to donate $1 Dollar, make your donation at:  http://www.GoFundMe.Com/4swkec.

3. To Donate larger amounts using any DEBIT CARD OR A CREDIT CARD donate at:  http://www.GoFundMe.Com/4swkec

Thank you for all of the support and all of the kindness that you have extended Amanda.  Our funding team has all of those who are donating lifted up in prayers of thanksgiving.  Our God is an awesome God and He will come through, thanks to their prayers and thanks all of you, who have donated.  Amanda Angelica Moral's story is being followed by CN2 Television News! The interviews can be found at the www.GoFundme.Com/4swkec website.

Again, thank you and God bless you!

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Thursday, December 31, 2015


A Christmas miracle happened.  Anonymous donors paid or the expenses of Amanda's surgery, but we still need to raise $15,000 for hospitalization, hotel and air travel to Santo Domingo.  Can you please share this link with everyone you know on Twitter.


1. Go to the Project Bridge Page on Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/1projectbridge/?fref=ts, then scroll down to Amanda Angelica Moral's Ad titled "Miracles Happen" add and click on the page link at the top of her photo.  If you have issues trying to donate there, go here https://www.facebook.com/amanda.a.moral?fref=ts, click "Message", the dollar icon and pay there, but it's best if you do it from the Project Bridge page, because they are matching $1.00 to every dollar donated.

2. Click "Message," is if you are writing a message, then

3.  Click on the CIRCLE with the $ (dollar) sign inside of it. [See graphic below] Type in amount of $1 or whatever you wish to donate and click send. You'll be asked for your debit card information. You can register your debit information, just for this donation and then delete it from the Payment Method section in the Settings menu, in your Facebook page settings, later.  PLEASE #SHARE THIS LINK  with the instructions. This will get her to go to Santo Domingo for her surgery.

The graphic below depicts the message box plus, the 'Pay' box where you enter the dollar amount and click 'Pay' to send the donation.   Again thank you for donating the dollar at:  https://www.facebook.com/amanda.a.moral?fref=ts

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