Thursday, December 31, 2015


A Christmas miracle happened.  Anonymous donors paid or the expenses of Amanda's surgery, but we still need to raise $15,000 for hospitalization, hotel and air travel to Santo Domingo.  Can you please share this link with everyone you know on Twitter.


1. Go to the Project Bridge Page on Facebook at:, then scroll down to Amanda Angelica Moral's Ad titled "Miracles Happen" add and click on the page link at the top of her photo.  If you have issues trying to donate there, go here, click "Message", the dollar icon and pay there, but it's best if you do it from the Project Bridge page, because they are matching $1.00 to every dollar donated.

2. Click "Message," is if you are writing a message, then

3.  Click on the CIRCLE with the $ (dollar) sign inside of it. [See graphic below] Type in amount of $1 or whatever you wish to donate and click send. You'll be asked for your debit card information. You can register your debit information, just for this donation and then delete it from the Payment Method section in the Settings menu, in your Facebook page settings, later.  PLEASE #SHARE THIS LINK  with the instructions. This will get her to go to Santo Domingo for her surgery.

The graphic below depicts the message box plus, the 'Pay' box where you enter the dollar amount and click 'Pay' to send the donation.   Again thank you for donating the dollar at:

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A Miracle Happened at Christmas for Amanda Angelica Moral


In the spirit of the season, an anonymous group has paid for the balance of the cost of my daughter Amanda Angelica Moral's life saving
surgery.  I cannot thank my Lord enough for touching the hearts of these amazing people who stepped forward anonymously to cover the expense for the life saving surgery that my daughter Amanda Angelica Moral is going to receive.


You have no idea how I have wept because my heart is so filled with thanksgiving.  I pray for a great blessing to come to the lives of those who have supported Amanda and who have greatly contributed to the Stand for Amanda Fund.  So many people have supported Amanda in so many ways.  Some put out the word on all of their social networks.  Others donated web mastering services, others contributed photo shoots, wrote press releases and did publicity work, made telephone calls and still others did television and podcasting interviews with us, many have donated generously and others are donating just a few dollars, but every deed of compassion does not go unnoticed and does not go without our gratefulness and our praise and thanksgiving to God for everyone who has been so kind to Amanda and to myself.   

For the first time in decades I can say, that I feel joyful and I am rejoicing and my heart is so filled with gratefulness and thanksgiving.  I cannot contain it.  I am just beside myself and so is my daughter Ananda.  I am hoping to one day begin to pay this gift, this blessing forward, to help other people who suffer from Status Epilepticus, just as others are helping Amanda.  This blessing will not be forgotten and I will do all that I can to pay it forward.  That is a solid commitment that I have decided to make.


Now, my team of volunteer supporters and I, must do all we can to find a way to get Amanda and myself to Santo Domingo, where the surgery will be performed.  We are still in need of funds for hospitalization expenses (the surgery has been paid for by private donors, but the hospital stay still needs to be paid), air travel fare, taxi fare to shuttle us back and forth from the hospital and a 10 day hotel stay until Amanda is fully recovered.

The total needed funds to help cover these expenses is far less than the cost of the surgery itself, but we are still unable to get there if we cannot raise the necessary $15,000 that we need to raise to get there by January 23rd, so that the surgery can be performed on Amanda on January 24, 2016.  I feel a bit spent right now, because it has taken every ounce of energy for me to try to save my daughter's life, but she is my little girl and a mother never gives up on her child.  If 15,000 people each donate $1 the goal will be reached.

Those persons who could not contribute this Holiday Season, are now able to make a $1 contribution by visiting Amanda Angelica's Facebook page link below.  Hopefully, this will create a flood of support and the $15,000 will be available before the trip within the next three weeks.  I believe in miracles!  And I believe God will touch hearts and He will provide.

Amanda and I both thank you for donating in the spirit of the Holiday Season!  I wish you and your families a very Happy, healthy, prosperous, New Year surrounded by the love, warmth and support of your family!


1. Go to Amanda Angelica Morals page at and

2. Click "Message," is if you are writing a message, then

3.  Click on the CIRCLE with the $ (dollar) sign inside of it. [See graphic below] Type in amount of $1 or whatever you wish to donate and click send. You'll be asked for your debit card information. You can register your debit information, just for this donation and then delete it from the Payment Method section in the Settings menu, in your Facebook page settings, later.  PLEASE #SHARE THIS LINK  with the instructions. This will get her to go to Santo Domingo for her surgery.

The graphic below depicts the message box plus, the 'Pay' box where you enter the dollar amount and click 'Pay' to send the donation.   Again thank you for donating the dollar at:

You may also donate to the Stand for Amanda Fund at

By the way, Amanda's story is being followed by CN2 Network Television News.  Renee O'Neil in photo below from CN2 did a follow up story with us yesterday, December 29th!  I just want to glorify God's name. I AM SO THANKFUL TO HIM!

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Monday, December 14, 2015

The Gift of Love at Christmas

When I was 18 years old, I still had not imagined that I'd be the mother of two wonderful daughters, but I was blessed with them and oh what a gift they turned out to be.  I have been given two such precious, amazing daughters.  The future seemed so far, but somehow the years flew and here I am finding myself the mother of two women -- one, Katie, who has made me a proud 'Nana', and the other, Amanda, who lights up my life with her smile and brightens everyone's world around her.

Many people are so affected by the ravages of this life that they fail to see how much of God's blessings they have.  They fail to see the love with which God has so generously loved and granted them so many beautiful things.

I have so much to be thankful for and everything that life brings my way these days, I say "Bring it on."  There has not been one trial, one struggle, or one mountain to climb that my God has not gotten me through. I have been at the very bottom in this life, but I must say that I too have been to the mountain top.  I have experienced highs and lows, peaks and valleys, that at times I didn't think I could get through, but I have made it, with God's help I have made it.  Oh, Life goes on, trials will continue to come, but, this season I know that yet again and again, I can do everything in God who strengthens me.  So if you find yourself in the middle of a struggle this holiday season, remember there are so many other people who may be struggling with an illness, problems with homelessness and finances, lack of heat in the house or other problems. Remember that there are people much worse off than you.  People who need a prayer, a kind word, a few dollars to get by. 

This season, think about the gifts God has given that you never imagined that you would have. They may not be riches, but realize that indeed you are rich, because others may not have some of the things that you are enjoying at this moment.  A warm home, food on the table, a family.  Think about ways that you can pay some of your blessings forward and reach out to others and imagine how much happiness just a little time devoted to help people in need, can bring to others this season. You may not have wealth but you have been given the greatest gift that can be sent from above...The Gift of Love.  Share it.

I am not rich, I may not have a lot, but I have my family and I have the Lord to thank for this, because I didn't see the blessings that would come when I was 18 years old, nor all of the struggles that I would experience, yet here I am.  I made it through the rain and the storms and I am still here, and although I am not wealthy,  I still feel so rich and so blessed, because I have learned to depend and trust in God, for he has preserved and blessed me in spite of all of the trials that I experienced. That is only one of the Gifts of Love that have come from God above.

I urge people not to think about what they don't have and take a walk around their town or their city and truly look around and see what other people are missing in their lives, perhaps just a smile is what they need, perhaps a meal or a bit of conversation. This holiday season, rather than becoming self absorbed with your own problems, lift up your head my friend, rise up and find a way to go help those with a sad spirit, volunteer to serve on a soup line, be part of a toy drive, help a church deliver food to a needy family and find the joy of what is important once again. Happiness is loving, communicating and cherishing human life and wanting to leave that little spark that is so lacking in the lives of others.  Sometimes we ourselves need to walk away from our troubles for a while, so that we are able to see and come face to face with those who have worse troubles than we do.  Those are the people who really need the Gift of Love the most. 

Find out how rewarding it is to put a smile on a person's face and in everything that you experience in life, give God the glory and the thanks, for life is a gift and we did not ask for it, yet we are here.  Salvation was born unto us long ago, that was a gift too and one that we did not earn nor really deserve, because of our human frailty and yet, the Lamb of God, looked down with compassion and was born to bring us salvation and peace.  Don't look upon the face of the poor and the needy with indifference, because you don't know who they were before their luck changed.  

Everyone deserves love and compassion.  That was the example Jesus set for us.  Let us remember that this season when we celebrate the birth of our King, that he was born in a manger and without a crown, yet he was king.  Remember that the poor and the needy may not have castles, good clothes or crowns, but they were made by the hands of a royal King, who bestows all power to kings and principalities and yes, even to those who are downtrodden, but who will one day be lifted up by you and me, but until that day, we are responsible to care for them.

I may not have all that others might have, but I have my two beautiful daughters and my grandchildren and I know that no matter what might threaten or menace us, we will be a family. God has given me a gift that a true loving God would never take away.  True God loving people stand together and never forsake one another.  I know that I never would forsake those that I love, because I recognize what the Gift of Love truly is, so I will be thankful and feel greatly blessed and I will rise up and share my gift of Love with others and those who have lost out on love, who have lost their jobs and who have lost their hope without family.  That's a promise I have made to myself, because I am wealthier than some of those people by comparison, because God has greatly blessed me and has expanded my territory.

This season give the gift of love.  For love and peace are not found in possessions and things that we own.  They are found in the warmth of love and the comfort of family.  Be happy, be well, reach out and share your smile, your kindness and your support to those in need and bring the light of this beautiful season to those in so much need of seeing God's love through you and through others.

I wish all of those who read this post, a very happy, joyous and peaceful Christmas and remember, you may not have silver or gold, but in your heart there is love.  Share your love with those who need it the most.  We have been given a great gift from above...LOVE!

Share the Gift of Love at Christmas Time and throughout the year!

May God richly bless you with the fullness of His Joy, His Peace and His Prosperity. 

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Team builders needed for the Amanda Angelica Moral Fund.  She is running out of time.  Invite 40, 50 or more friends in your contact list to invite others and donate! 

Help Save Amanda's Life Now!

Amanda Angelica Moral Needs Your Support!





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 With Host Carmen Amoros 



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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Amanda Angelica Moral on WAWRadio with Scott Bell

Please listen to this interview with Jeff Morton, Scott Bell, Dodi Mounce, Carmen Amoros and myself.  I hope you'll feel inspired to join the team. Enjoy it!

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Coverage about Amanda Moral Fund with Carmen Amoros on New York Podcasting Cafe on Blog Talk Radio

Please feel free to take a listen at an interview that I did "Living with Status Epilepticus" on the New York Podcasting Cafe at http://www.BlogTalkRadio.Com/NewYorkPodcastingCafe. 
Simply scroll down to the Episode titled "Living with Status Epilepticus:  Interview with Virginia Moral.  Thank you for tuning in!

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Amanda Angelica Moral Fund

Before I begin submitting my articles about living with Status Epilepticus, I thought I'd share that I am the mother of a beautiful intelligent, young woman, named Amanda Angelica Moral.  She has had a struggle with Status Epilepticus.  Please view media coverage of her story at http://www.GoFundMe.Com/4swkec for more information.

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